Translations EN/CZ


Articles, workbooks, websites, tour guides and manuals.

Translator is a reader, an interpretor and a creator all in one. 

Professor Bijay Kumar Das

Expert articles

  • Matěj, Miloš; Gustafsson, Ulf: Ohlédnutí za workshopem k Dolní oblasti Vítkovice (Review Of the Workshop On Lower Vítkovice Area), ZPP, 2016.
  • Křístek, Šěpán; Holuša, Jaroslav: Evaluation of the development of abiotic natural spruce damage in the Moravian-Silesian Beskids based on historical records. Forestry Journal, 2015.
  • The Enrichment Journal, 2010-2011, series of articles. Free pdf download here.

Workbooks: Materials for Teen Challenge students, group therapists, and the general public:

  • The Anger factor
  • Stepping into Freedom
  • Free to grow

Machine technical manuals for The

Tourguide: Discovery of not only modern sculptures in Liberec and Zittau (for the Regional Municipal Office), 2016. Free pdf download


Portfolios and other materials

  • Josef Mladějovský: Artist's portfolio. 
  • Petr Freiwilig: Summary of his research report on the transition and development of proto-industrial mode production to factory-based production and its influence on the distribution and manufacture of commodities.
Vladěn Lasotová - English 
Všechna práva vyhrazena 2021
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