References - Interpretation
Národní památkový ústav, Praha
Mgr. Vladimíra Lasotová se jako tlumočnice a překladatelka účastnila řady vzdělávacích programů organizovaných Odborem edukace
a dalšího vzdělávání. Její služby byly vždy perfektní a na vysoké profesionální úrovni a to i v případě specializovaných programů zaměřených na památkovou obnovu a technologie v památkové péči. Konsekutivní a simultánní tlumočení česko - anglického dobrovolnického programu ve Vizovicích v roce 2018 významně přispělo k úspěchu celé akce. Překlad tiskových zpráv publikovaných na webových stránkách Národního památkového ústavu podpořil spolupráci s rakouským památkovým úřadem. Odezva na simultánní tlumočení odborného parketářského workshopu s mezinárodní účastí byla velmi kladná a odborné publikum vysoce hodnotilo úroveň tlumočení.Její činnost pro naši organizaci byla přínosná a rádi jejích služeb využijeme i v budoucnosti,
Mgr. Kateřina Samojská, Ph. D
Vedoucí Odboru edukace a dalšího vzděláváním NPÚ
29. 6. 2021
City Church, Ostrava
Vlaďěn Lasotová prováděla tlumočnický servis pro naši organizaci a vždy jsme byli velmi spokojení. K profesionální kvalitě tlumočení přidala vždy velmi milé a reprezentativní vystupování.
Milan Michalko, MBA
Industrial Heritage, Norway
Vladimíra Lasotova has been central in the cooperation between Norway and the Czech Republic for many years. Not only has she done an excellent and precise job translating social conversations, but also difficult terminology and theoretical discussions. She has always been keen to learn new things and question when things are unclear - this in order to do an even better job and to develop as a professional and human being. I have rarely met a person as dedicated and professional as Vladi. She is also very easy to work with, friendly and constructive - and she has been a huge resource for me and all my colleagues within the heritage sector in both Norway and the Czech Republic for many years.
I look forward to engaging her in future collaborations!
Ulf Ingemar Gustafsson
PhD, Regional Historian and Department head Orkla Industrial Museum, Norway
Board member Section for industry, communication, and construction in the Norwegian national Museum Alliance
A national representative for Norway in the International Committee for the Preservation of Industrial Heritage
23. 6. 2021
James Kakalios, University of Minnesota Minneapolis
I was a guest speaker at the Colours of Ostrava Festival in 2018and had the good fortune to be assigned Ms Vladimira Lasotova as my guide/interpreter. She anticipated and saw to all of my needs, and made my visit truly memorable. I've been lucky to visit the Czech Republic many times and rarely have I had an interpreter as helpful as Vladimira.
James Kakalios
Taylor Distinguished ProfessorSchool of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Minnesota Minneapolis
Senter for Seniorpolitikk, Norway
During some months in 2011 the Centre for Senior Policy, Norway, has been cooperating with the Czech NGO Mamaloca. In the course of this autumn two groups of Czechs have been on study visits in Norway and representatives from the Centre for Senior Policy have visited the Czech Republic exchanging experiences.
During these visits, Vladimíra (Vladěn) Lasotová has been the only translator and for some of the day, she has been translating from the morning till the afternoon. Her interpreting skill is superb and her translation has made the collaborative process of the organisations smooth and at the same time dynamic. Her interpretation is characterized by clarity and understanding of the professional context.
Vladěn has a very sympathetic character and we loved to work with her.
We highly recommend her!
Kari Østerud
25 November 2011
During some months in 2011 the Centre for Senior Policy, Norway, has been cooperating with the Czech NGO Mamaloca. In the course of this autumn two groups of Czechs have been on study visits in Norway and representatives from the Centre for Senior Policy have visited the Czech Republic exchanging experiences.
During these visits, Vladimíra (Vladěn) Lasotová has been the only translator and for some of the day, she has been translating from the morning till the afternoon. Her interpreting skill is superb and her translation has made the collaborative process of the organisations smooth and at the same time dynamic. Her interpretation is characterized by clarity and understanding of the professional context.
Vladěn has a very sympathetic character and we loved to work with her.
We highly recommend her!
Kari Østerud
25 November 2011
Next Level International
Since 2004 I have travelled extensively training leaders in Europe, from Estonia to Spain and Italy to Slovakia& Czech. Part of our need was for printed material. She is excellent and finishes the work in a timely manner. At the same time, our conferences required a translator to work with the main speakers. Her translation is almost concurrent allowing our speakers to continue their natural speaking pace. This is invaluable. During all that time I have never found a better translator than Vladěn Lasotová. I highly recommend her for both spoken and written translation.
William Howell,
Next Level International